In today’s highly competitive mobile communication market, leading players have raced to develop service enhancing benefits to draw corporate clients away from their current providers.
These enhancements are hugely beneficial for clients to better manage their contract spend and highlight areas which can be optimised.
Active works to further improve the efficiency of contracting with O2, by facilitating corporate customers to part fund the significant cost of their contract with their product or service.
By working with Active and introducing Corporate Trade into the fold, companies from Media, Retail and Leisure industries have been able to use media space, last season’s fashions and attraction tickets to part fund the cost of their telephony contracts whilst still delivering full contract value to O2 in cash.
O2 partnered with Active over 7 years ago, which has helped O2 to stand out when pitching against their competition and offers a significant benefit for any client looking to move their contract.
“We have worked with Active as a valued partner for over 7 years, over this period they have helped O2 to gain over £10m of new business contracts from a number of our key corporate targets by allowing them to part fund the cost of working with us in product, I look forward to working with Active in the future to drive even more value for the business”